For many years we have been creating dedicated web solutions for various industries. Our systems are based on the Java Enterprise Edition platform which sets the standards for modern software. We are not afraid of bleeding edge technologies. Our team of specialists is constantly on the watch for new IT trends and gathers practical experience while working on complex projects.
We offer cooperation at every stage of a project’s life. Starting from initial analysis, to writing software, to successful implementation in production. We also provide maintenance services for our systems and are eager to develop them even further.
We are aware that not everyone needs a “tailored” system. Therefore recently we also built teams working on products that can be launched very quickly. If you select this option, the first results of our work will be visible as soon as the initial configuration and adaptation is complete. Please feel free to check out our products based on the Liferay Platform and TIA Solution.
If your business requires a custom IT solution tailored specifically to your company, or if you require a dedicated solution,
please contact us.